Album Review – In The Whale “Nate & Eric” (Classic Rock)

in the whaleReview by Alex Slakva 4.7/5 Dragons
From Julys Vandala Magazine – READ MORE REVIEWS HERE

In The Whale’s latest release is a combination of two of already released EP’s, unexpectedly titled as “Nate & Eric”. Some may argue that classic rock is dead and there is irreparable disparity between old and new school rock.  “Nate & Eric” bridges this cultural niche: writing blues and classic rock inspired material that is sure to appeal to the modern millennial, as well as the nostalgic rock veterans. This is a deceptively difficult feat, because, let’s face it, the genre has long been evolving to reflect the changes in world since. The majority that tried to replicate that distinct rock n’ roll sound fail to appear relevant to the youth of today, because they only focus a single era of rock that ultimately comes off as cheesy. This is where Nate Valdez and Eric Riley, the duo from Denver, really shine by comparison by the virtue of living in the Internet Age. This record is an infrequently researched homage to several celebrated era’s of rock, down to its blue’s roots. Every track is a concoction of riffs and verses that will sound downright nostalgic to those raised on the classics. These never overstay their welcome, because the entire pace of the album is kept brisk by a constant variety within every song’s general song. As a result you have tracks like “Subeam”, whose first few lines of vocal delivery briefly sound like Danzing, Johny cash, but carry a Queens of The Stone vibe that will slow down into a slow guttural bridge that wouldn’t be out of place on a hardcore album. Another equally varied track is ‘Girlfriend” which utilizes Elvis/ Led Zeppelin sounding verses with Ramones style choruses. In The Whale is truly an omnipresent time machine that tips it’s hat as far back as Robert Johnson, hint at Blue Cheer and nod at The White Stripes. Did I mention that all of this is only made possible by the musical talents of a duo from Denver?

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